Pay for a Unique Asset with Crypto

You can easily allow your users to pay for assets in your game by paying with SOL. The minting price and details of the asset to be minted are fully customizable. The purchase flow is seamlessly generated and similar to checkout GAMEXX's credit card checkout flows.

To initiate the minting of an asset paid for with SOL, make a POST request to with the following parameters:

curl --request POST \
     --url \  
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --header 'x-api-key: <your api key>' \
     --data '{
       "details": {
         "name": "Magic Sword",
         "description": "A powerful sword imbued with magic", 
         "imageUrl": "",
         "collectionId": "your_collection_id",
         "attributes": [
             "traitType": "Damage",
             "value": "50"
             "traitType": "Element",  
             "value": "Fire"
       "price": {
         "currencyId": "SOL",
         "naturalAmount": "0.05" 
       "destinationUserReferenceId": "player-1"

The request body must include the following fields:

  • details: An object specifying the properties of the asset to be minted, including:

    • name: The name of the asset

    • description: A description of the asset

    • imageUrl: A URL pointing to the image for this asset

    • collectionId: The ID of the collection this asset should belong to

    • attributes: An array of trait_type/value pairs for the asset's attributes

  • price: An object defining the mint price of the asset, including:

    • currencyId: This must be "SOL" to mint with SOL

    • naturalAmount: The amount of SOL required to mint, as a string (e.g. "1.5")

  • destinationUserReferenceId: The reference ID of the user who will receive the newly minted asset

The response will include a "checkout URL" that you must navigate the user to in order to pay the minting price and receive the asset:

  "checkoutUrl": "",
  "id": "7hud72js..."

Once the user completes the checkout flow, the asset will be minted and transferred to the destinationUserReferenceId specified. The asset will then be queryable via the existing Asset and User APIs.

To get information about a Mint with SOL payment, you can make a GET request to the Payment endpoint for the returned payment ID:

curl --request GET \
     --url<payment-id-from-response> \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \  
     --header 'x-api-key: <your api key>'

This will return details about the payment, including the current status (paymentStatus) which will be one of:

  • Pending: Waiting for the user to complete the checkout flow

  • Confirmed: The user completed checkout and minting is in progress

  • Failed: There was an issue processing the payment

The response will also include information about the associated asset in the asset field once minting has started.

Last updated